In 1988, the high-quality newspaper The Washington Post did not endorse either presidential candidate. George H.W. Bush was running against Democrat Michael Dukakis. This was a time when American presidential campaigns were still conducted with a certain degree of civility, and when candidates from both parties did not stoop to such low levels of behavior and rhetoric. ’The Post’ did not consider George H.W. Bush to be the worst of the two, and the editorial board's decision was made after careful consideration and in complete independence.
Since 1976 (the time of peanut farmer Jimmy Carter), ’The Post’ has always supported the Democratic candidate during presidential elections. Is this journalistically acceptable? Of course, a newspaper is not an objective media product; in fact, no newspaper can be. In the past, I once heard an ABC editor claim that the news reports of his newschannel were neutral. Of course, this is impossible. The moment a journalist writes a word (or the editorial staff chooses the topics and words for the 8 o'clock news), they do so with their own (political) convictions, (life) experiences, and knowledge in mind. In principle, therefore, there is no such thing as an objective newspaper, broadcasting company, news website, etc. This also applies to ABC or any other media.
That the editorial team of ’The Post’ openly endorses the Democratic candidate every four years is its own journalistic choice. You would expect ’The Post’ to have no difficulty this year in supporting Kamala Harris, especially since her opponent has proven countless times to be a mentally disturbed narcissist. But to my surprise, recently, the publisher and CEO of ’The Post’, Will Lewis, announced in an opinion piece that the newspaper is ’returning to its roots’ with a neutral stance during the presidential campaign. Well, what’s going on here? There must be more to this, so let’s get to the bottom of it.
Will Lewis has maintained connections with high-ranking Republicans for years, and the same goes for Jeff Bezos. What does the wealthy Amazon owner have to do with this whole story? Well, he happens to be the owner of ’The Post’. Suddenly, it all makes sense; it’s clear that Bezos is behind this 'neutrality stance,' and that’s very bad news for press freedom in the United States. If an editorial team no longer controls the content of such a prestigious newspaper, something is seriously wrong! Or rather, something is rotten in the state!
Last week, employees and journalists at ’The Post’ wrote an article anonymously in their own newspaper. They accused owner Bezos of imposing his ’neutrality decision’ on the editorial board, just before an opinion piece with a positive tone about Kamala Harris was set to be published. This says it all; Jeff Bezos is just as much an anti-democratic creep as that lunatic Trump. With this move by Bezos, American democracy is further undermined, and in Europe, we can now fasten our seatbelts!
A second Trump term doesn’t bode well for the world, especially for Europe. Every decent citizen in the U.S. (whether they’re a construction worker, businessman, journalist, model, or barmaid) should now stand up for American democracy because it is in grave danger. Who was it that said ’the upcoming presidential election will be the last’? Answer: the man with the ridiculously long tie who paid off a porn actress... This presidential election is not about whether a Republican or Democratic candidate will move into the Oval Office next year. This time, the choice is between a (D)democratic candidate and a tyrannical fool who, according to Trump’s former Chief of Staff John Kelly, even harbored sympathetic feelings toward Adolf Hitler……
In other words, Americans have the following choice: a descent into despotism or the preservation of a (somewhat) democratic society. Now, of all times, the editorial team at The Washington Post should be crystal clear, because democracy is at stake. According to The Post CEO Will Lewis, this isn’t the case; he believes that now is the time for the newspaper to ’return to its roots.’ Which roots, Mr. Lewis? You must mean the roots of evil! Shame on you! As a former journalist from the United Kingdom, you come up with this nonsense?
As punishment, from now until November 5th - the date of the U.S. election - you have to watch The Post movie (with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks) 24/7. Hopefully, you’ll learn something! During the Watergate scandal, ’The Post’ at least fulfilled its purpose: spreading news as an independent newspaper, even under exceptionally high pressure on the editorial team. And Will, start by watching the trailer first. At least a 1,000 times! See attached
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