The above quote from 'Terminator' Arnold Schwarzenegger was uttered by Prime Minister Boris Johnson almost a year ago in the House of Commons, the British parliament. Johnson already had several scandals under his belt, but 'partygate' ultimately sealed his fate. However, it wasn't quite over for the mop-headed politician as he kept his seat in the British Parliament.
But now even that has been crossed out, and by Johnson himself. He probably didn't dare to wait for the procedure regarding partygate. The parliamentary committee that investigated the bacchanals in the corridors of the House of Commons during the COVID-19 period recently delivered a letter to Johnson's address. Based on its contents, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson felt compelled to throw in the towel.
Wow, I suspect that the committee's letter contains serious allegations against 'Bojo (the clown).' Johnson is not known for quickly drawing hard consequences from his own (mis)conduct. The committee's investigation focused on whether Boris Kemal - this surname was changed to 'Johnson' by his grandfather - deliberately misled the House of Commons regarding the drinking sessions organized by his staff. Johnson not only approved them, but he reportedly personally participated in the alcohol-fueled revelries held during a (corona) period that has gone down in history as the 'lockdown.' During the parties - even held at Johnson's official residence, 10 Downing Street - dozens of employees crowded together, which was not conducive to preventing COVID-19 infections... Of course, such large gatherings during the lockdowns were strictly prohibited.
What is stated in the committee's letter is not (yet) known to me, but it is likely that the content will soon leak to one of the tabloids that Great Britain has... Until then, it's all speculation, but Johnson's following statement raises the worst suspicions: ’in the letter, to my surprise, the committee makes it clear that they are determined to use the procedure against me to expel me from Parliament.’ Has the parliamentary committee finally exposed Bojo by providing convincing evidence that Johnson has lied without batting an eye?
Mmmh, it certainly seems so. Johnson is addicted to engaging in politics; he won't just pack his bags without a fight. Another indication of the imminent unmasking of the former Prime Minister is the fact that he is lashing out wildly. He leaves no stone unturned when it comes to the committee members, as evidenced by his next outburst: ’I am being forced to leave by a handful of people, without evidence to support their claims and even without the approval of members of the Conservative Party, let alone the broader electorate.’ Oh dear, but I believe there's a catch here!
What catch? Well, if the committee has ’legitimate and convincing’ evidence of the former Conservative Party leader's ’Pinocchio behavior,’ then the ’honorable’ member of parliament might be kicked out of his own Tory nest. It seems that Johnson wanted to avoid this scenario by quickly taking to his heels. In this scenario, Johnson's return to British politics is not very likely anymore.
However, however, you never know with this clown, as even Boris himself strongly doubted the chance of him ever becoming Prime Minister. In 2019, he said the following: ’I've got about as much chance of being reincarnated as an olive.’ Well, then he ended up on the highest political step after all. So, ’never say never (again)’, to quote the real James Bond (Sean Connery). Elections will soon be held in Johnson's constituency (Greater London), and who knows, he might put himself forward as a candidate (again).
Whether he will have the support of the Conservative Party, however, remains uncertain. Ah, Boris, why not join the Labour Party? The former Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, did it before you. Although he was warmly welcomed, the same might not apply to you. And by the way, what business do you have with 'labour'? Just pronouncing the word already triggers antiperistaltic reflexes in your esophagus. Isn’t that true Boris?
No, no, it's high time for you to establish your own party, Boris. I'll gladly give you free advice on the name and slogan: 'The Bojo Party, the best circus act in town!' And what sound should accompany it? Naturally, that of Monty Python's Flying Circus: 'always look on the bright side of life.'
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